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Rabu, 01 Desember 2010


oke guy this material about the simple present tense ...
dari awal kita belajar bahasa ingris sudah kita kenal apa itu present tense ? 
bagi yang belum tau buka dulu deh buku bahasa inggris SMPnya atao buku Sdnya ...
bagi yang sudah males baca dan pelajari disini ..
lets check it out !

The simple present tense is used to discuss permanant situations and the frequency of events.

There are three important exceptions:

For positive sentences, we do not normally use the auxiliary.

For the 3rd person singular (he, she, it), we add s to the main verb or es to the auxiliary.

For the verb to be, we do not use an auxiliary, even for questions and negatives.

Look at these examples with the main verb like:

+ i, you, we, they play volleyball
he, she, it plays volleyball

- i, you, we, they do not play volleyball 
he, she, it does not play volleyball

? do i, you, we, theyplay volleyball ?
does she, he, it palay volleyball ?

Look at these examples with the main verb be. Notice that there is no auxiliary:

+ i am French
you, we, they are French
he, she ,it is French

- i am not young
you, we, they are not young
he, she, it is not young

? am i late ?
are you, we, they late ?
is she, he, it late ?
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Do you know parts of your body guys ?
if you dunno " keterlaluan sekali kan ?
oke this material about partf of your body .. check it out

• Body
• parts
• eyebrow
• leg
• thumb
• fest
• finger
• ankle
• hair
• neck
• hand
• chin
• knee
• head
• mouth
• nose
• ear
• back
• under arm
• lower leg
• shouljer
• forehead
• calf
• cheek
• tooth
• tongue
• eyelid
• pupil
• iris
• moustache
• instep
• fist

• nail
• bottom
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This material times the narrative text? you know what a narrative text?in junior high school we have often met with all sorts of narrative text, especially text. sering banget kita pelajari emang tentang narratif text ini tapi sering kali kita juga terkecoh naratif text dengan recount text. sama-sama memakai verb II atau berpola simple past tense.
let not confused let us learn together ! :-)

Narrative text is a text that is used for the purpose of entertaining or amusing, creating, stimulating emotions, motivating, guiding and teaching the readers or the listeners and it usually deals with actual or vicious experience.

Narrative texts such as :
  • fable , 
  • legend, 
  • fairy tale, 
  • romance ,myth .

The generic structure of narrative text :
  •   Orientation (Sets the scene and introduces the participants)
  •   Complication (A crisis arises.)
  • Resolution (The crisis is resolved , for better or for worse.)

fuction of narrative text are:
entertaining the reader and also convey a message to readers. the reader can certainly get positive and negative messages from the story

ininih salah satu contah naratif text : 

The Story of Sangkuriang and Tangkuban Perahu Mountain

Once, there was a kingdom in Priangan Land. Lived a happy family. They were a father in form of dog,his name is Tumang, a mother which was called is Dayang Sumbi, and a child which was called Sangkuriang.
One day, Dayang Sumbi asked her son to go hunting with his lovely dog, Tumang. After hunting all day, Sangkuriang began desperate and worried because he hunted no deer. Then he thought to shot his own dog. Then he took the dog liver and carried home.

Soon Dayang Sumbi found out that it was not deer lever but Tumang's, his own dog. So, She was very angry and hit Sangkuriang's head. In that incident, Sangkuriang got wounded and scar then cast away from their home.

Years go bye, Sangkuriang had travel many places and finally arrived at a village. He met a beautiful woman and felt in love with her. When they were discussing their wedding plans, The woman looked at the wound in Sangkuriang's head. It matched to her son's wound who had left severall years earlier. Soon she realized that she felt in love with her own son.

She couldn't marry him but how to say it. Then, she found the way. She needed a lake and a boat for celebrating their wedding day. Sangkuriang had to make them in one night. He built a lake. With a dawn just moment away and the boat was almost complete. Dayang Sumbi had to stop it. Then, she lit up the eastern horizon with flashes of light. It made the cock crowed for a new day.
Sangkuriang failed to marry her. She was very angry and kicked the boat. It felt over and became the mountain of Tangkuban Perahu Bandung.

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Selasa, 23 November 2010


                      So guys ! what we want learn now ? recount text.
by the way before we learn 'bout it .. I want tyo tell you about my last holiday


my vacation at that time I went to my mother's village. then I go with using a private car with my family .. during traveling I was not too enjoyed the trip because of damaged roads.
we reached the village around 10 noon. when we immediately made a pilgrimage to the grave of my aunt. atmosphere of emotion felt at all when we pray together. after that we headed home to rest.
after that we walk around the village. probably because they had never seen a beautiful girl walking (narcissistic) I walk they follow. feels embarrassed when it happens
we were there only 2 days after that we went back to Palangkaraya. Whoa I am pleased to be able to enjoy a holiday in my mother's village

tulisan yang bercetak tebal merupakan salah satu ciri recount text yaitu memakai verb 2 atau simple past tense

Recount text is retell for purpose of entertaining that happened in the past events or experience from the writer or other people’s experience.

Recount text have three element, they are :
• Orientation is tells the reader who was involved in the story, what happened, where the story took 
  place and when it happened.
• Events is tell the sequence of events
• Re-orientation is summaries the events

Note :
Recount text usually using Then, After that, Finally and usually using verb II. 
oke guys .. next material

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Hai-hai wah ternyata kita hampir sampe ke materi akhir di semsester pertam ini yah ! lama deh bakal gak ngeblog lagi.. the next material is gaining attention. well , do you know that ? oke you don't know that .. well no problem kita bakal memperlajarinya disini nih !
Gaining Attention is a way or expression that is spoken so that other people will pay their attention to what we want to.
jadi gaining attention ini adalah cara kita dapetin perhatian ke orang lain misalnya kita pengen orang itu ngelihat kita pake baju baru nah kita caper deh situ ngapain kek misalnya kita teriak gitu WEii pake baju baru nih ! nah itu salah satu contoh nya -lebay- bener looh 1 salah satu contohnya tu gitu ...

Usually gaining attention use in order our friends that speak with we, attention to us. Gaining attention usually use simple present tense.

Example of Gaining Attention :
- Attention please !
- Excuse me
- May I have your attention , please ?
- Look here .
- Listen to me , please
- Waiter ?

Respond :
- Yes, what ?
- Wow, really ?
- I'm listening
- It's amazing !
- What happened then ?
Showing Affection (Giving Attention)
♥ Are you alright/O.K. ?
♥ What's wrong with you ?
♥ Do you ?
♥ Really ?
♥ Are you ?
♥ Did he ?
♥ Nice dress.
♥ Is that it ?
okay we've learned about Gaining attention .. what the next? Read More......

Sabtu, 20 November 2010


Hallo now we learn about PAST PERFECT TENSE.
and if you want to know more let's check it out !
Past perfect tense is a kind of tense that is used to describe an Action or an event that started in a certain time in the past and completed of finished certain time in the past too; or past perfect tense is used to Express an Action or an event that had happened before that other event or actionhappened.

Formula of Verbal Sentence

+ She had slept when I came last night.
- She had not slept when I came last night.
? Had she slept when I came last night?

Formula of Nominal Sentence

+ I had been there when the accident hapenned.
- I had not been Three when the accident hapenned.
? Had had been there when the accident hapenned?

I had = I’d
You had = You’d
We had = We’d
They had = they’d
He had = he’d
She had = She’d
It had = It’d
Past Perfect Tense mirip dengan Present Perfect Tense hanya saja beda di waktunya saja. Penekannya pada PERFECT-nya itu, usainya itu. Agar lebih jelas saya ulang sedikit tentang Present Perfect Tense dulu ya.
PRESENT Perfect Tense mengenai suatu kejadian atau peristiwa yang SELESAI (sempurna, perfect) saat ini, contohnya: She has just gone (Dia baru saja pergi). 

Nah PAST Perfect Tense adalah bentuk lampau (Past) dari Present Perfect Tense itu, makanya disebut Past Perfect Tense, sama-sama Perfectnya! Jelas ya? Kalau Present Perfect Tense menggunakan rumus S + Have/has + V3 maka Past Perfect Tense menggunakan bentuk lampau dari Has/has yaitu “HAD”.
Rumus Past Perfect Tense
Positif: S + had + V3
Negatif: S + had + not + V3
Tanya: Had + S + V3

Past Perfect Tense sering digunakan dengan menggunakan kalimat lain yang berbentuk lampau (Past Tense) yang dihubungan dengan kata sambung seperti When (ketika), After (setelah) untuk menekankan bahwa Perfectnya (Sudahnya) itu adalah di masa lampau.
Tenses Past Perfect Tense ini jarang loh digunakan, tetapi tentu saja ada baiknya Anda memahinya dengan seksama. Jangan dianggap enteng!, suatu saat Anda akan perlu menggunakannya, hehe..

Contoh kejadiannya seperti ini:
“Kemarin Dia berangkat ke rumahku pagi-pagi bener, tetapi waktu ia sampai eh saya SUDAH pergi”. Tuh, lihatlah SUDAH perginya itu kan Perfect. Anda ingat pelajaran tentang Present Perfect Tense bahwa SUDAH itu adalah ciri-cirinya. Hanya saja SUDAH nya itu adalah kemarin (lampau). Itulah mengapa dalam kejadian ini kita menggunakan Past Perfect Tense.

Contoh kalimatnya:
-I had gone When He arrived at my home

“I had gone” adalah Past Perfect Tense, dengan subjectnya adalah I. Lihat ada “had” nya, dan kata kerja bentuk ketiganya (V3) adalah gone. Sesuai rumusnya S + had + V3. Kalimat pembandingnya adalah bentuk past tense: “When He arrived at my home”.
Contoh kalimat lainnya:
I had written 3 articles when you visited my blog for the first time.

Jadi Past Perfect Tense adalah tentang “Sudah, masa lalu”. Present Perfect Tense tentang “Sudah, kini”. Rumusnya mirip, karena sama-sama Perfect. Setiap Perfect pasti pakai kata kerja bentuk ke-3 baik itu pada Kata Kerja utamanya atau pada kata kerja bantu-nya.

Contoh kalimat lain dalam Past Perfect Tense:
-I had studied hard but I didn’t make good result in the exam.
-You had told me twice before I understood.

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Is a text that is designed to describe how something is achieved through a sequence of actions or steps. It explains how people perform different processes in a sequence of steps. This text uses simple present tense, often imperative second, then, next finally, etc.

The generic structures of procedure text are:
 Goal/aim (or title)
 Materials (nor required for all procedural texts)
 Steps (the actions that must be taken)

Example :

How to use cellular to used calling a people (aim/goal)

> a phone cellular

What do you should do are? (steps)
1. The first to calling one person we must put the number phone (example: 0852. . . . or other number)
2. And then, we depress in pad OK/YES
contoh prosedur text itu misalnya prosedur membuat makanan , prosedur kerja suatu benda atau alat , dan banyak lagi. nah bagi yang masih bingung bisa meliat contoh dibawah ini :
Make easy cookies with the kids by using a packet of cake mix and turning it into cookies instead of a cake. Here are some simple tips on how to go about this.  

  • 1 box of your favorite regular cake mix (for example vanilla, butter cream, lemon, orange, chocolate, and butter pecan etc.)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 vegetable oil
  • 1 tsp. vanilla (optional)
  1. 1
    Purchase your favorite cake mix. Choose the flavor you like the most.

    IBC & Tote Heaters

    Flexible Heating Jackets for IBC's ATEX versions now available!
  2. 2
    Preheat oven to 350ºF. Prepare cookie sheets by spraying with non-stick spray or lining with baking paper.
  3. 3
    Combine cake mix, 2 eggs, and 1/2 cup of vegetable oil, (and if you used an unflavored cake mix like yellow or white then add 1 tsp. of vanilla) in a large bowl. Mix thoroughly with a large spoon.
  4. 4
    Spoon teaspoonfuls of the mixture onto cookie sheets into small cookie shapes (a dozen per sheet).
  5. 5
    Cook for 10-15 minutes.
  6. 6
    Let cool and then take off cookie sheet. Place onto a wire rack to cool a bit more and to harden a little.
  7. 7
    Enjoy some cake cookies.

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    Professional Cake Mix

    Watch Amazing Cake Decorating Tips Tricks & Secrets Of The Pros Today!
  • You can drizzle some icing over the top. Try heating the icing container for a few seconds (10-15 seems to do nicely).

    Send Cakes to Hyderabad

    Free Same Day Shipping-Secunderabad Personal Delivery - Digital Photo
  • Watch them closely - They can burn very easily.
  • Oven is hot! If making with children, supervise oven use.

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Ini adalah contoh gambar sympathy expression.
terlihat seorang bapak-bapak membopomg seorang anak muda dengan wajah yang sedih .

Is an expression or feeling or pity and sorrow when we know and see someone or people are unlucky or have trouble and in bad condition.

Expression of Sympathy
• I’d like to express my deepest condolences
• I’m sorry to hear that
• I’m awfully sorry about. . .
• Oh, how awful!
• Oh, dear! • You must very upset
• Oh, what a same
• How pity you are!
• How terrible/awful for you
• You must feel terrible about losing you brother like that.

Responding to condolences
• Thank you
• That’s very kind of you
• God gives and God take away
• That’s life
• It’s God’s will I suppose
• There’s nothing that can be done about it
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Jumat, 19 November 2010


hello guy ! wah ternyata ada foto teman-teman ku ini :)
es they look very happy .. This photo was taken when there are events in UNPAR PESTANI. why do they look happy? hhee the first repeat our sociology class at the delay and pineapple can also eat for free. (wah ketahuan )

what is is happiness expression ?
s expressing which used to express glad feeling.

Examples of Happiness :
• Oh, I’m so happy
• I can’t say how pleased I am
• I had a splendid time there
• What a marvelous place I’ve ever soon
• It’s an outstanding adventure
• It’s an interesting experience
• It’s a sensational trip • Great!
• Exciting!
• Fantastic
• Super
• Terrific
• Smashing
• Hey, that’s terrific/great
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Kamis, 18 November 2010


example for announcement ..
what is announcement ?
Is a public statement about something that is happening or going to happen. Announcement may be appeared in newspaper, magazine, public place or other public spaces. Example of announcement are Press Release in newspaper, booklet, catalog, form or notice that announces a specific opportunity to apply for a grant. Read More......


"Last week me and my friends went to the cinema to watch a movie. movies that we choose is very exciting and even funny and made us all laugh. then after that we went to a restaurant and hangout there till night"
the paragraph above is an example of simple past tense.
 do you know what it is ?
if you don;t know you can learn from my this blog >.<
Used to indicate that an act / event that never happened before / in the past. Simple Past Tense also has two forms, namely:

Nominal terms:
- I/you/we/they + to be (was) + complement
- He/she/it + to be (were) + complement
(+) She were beautiful
(-) She were not beautiful
(?) Were she beautiful?

Verbal Terms (using verbs):
(+) subject + Verb2 + object
(-) subject + did not +Verb1 + object
(?) did+ subject +Verb1 + object?
(+) He walked to school yesterday
(-) He did not walk to school yesterday
(?) Did he walk to school yesterday?
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"I promise this afternoon I'll pick you up at home we will go to 21 with" see you honey
for those who already have a girlfriend make sure that her boyfriend had promised to take the road or watching together (I'm sure it's fun)well for those who want to make an appointment ledalam english (so more cool) it's good to learn from my blog .. check it out! hhaaaaaa
whait is appointment ?

Definision of Appoinment
Is a kind or expression which is used to conduct promise.

Making an Appointment
>I’d like to make an appointment with. . .
>I want to make an appointment to see. . .
>I’d like to make an appointment to see. . .
>I’d like you to come and see me!
>I’ll be there
>What about. . .?

Accepting an appointment
>All right! See you there!
>No problem, I’m free on. . .
>Be there on time!
>I’ll wait for you there
>It’s a deal!

Rejecting an appointment
>I’m sorry, I’m very busy
>I’m terribly, sorry I have to put off my appointment
>I’m afraid, I have to postpone my appointment with. . . tomorrow morning

Changing an appointment
>What about. . .
>Is Ok, if we meet at 10:00am tomorrow morning
>Do you have another time this afternoon?
>Could we change the day (time) of the meeting?
>Would you mind if we changed the day (time) of the meeting?
okay friends soon make your appointment
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hello guy .. let me introduce my self .. my name is TAINIE OLVINAE.but you can call me tia ..
oi live on BAJAU RANJU street number 38. i study at SMAN 2 PALANGKARAYA RSBI. now i'm grade 10th.

oke guys this is example for introducing ,you'll often use words above for the initial introduction
You can learn more by reading the contents of my blog this

How do you introduce yourself :
>Let me introduce myself, my name is Tiani.
>Hello, I’mgery
>Hi, I’m PAndu galih pribadi. You can call me PAndu
>Hello my name isAyu soraya maranata

How do you introduce other people :
>I would like to introduce yosua
>I would like you to meet Grace
>Excuse me, let me introduce my new friend, His name is Arief arifin
>Vebry this is Yanti, and Yanti this is Vebry.

How do you close or end your conversation :
>Well, I should be going now.
>See you!
>I’m sorry. But I have to go now.
>It’s been nice talking with you. See you later!
>Well, I must be off now. I’ll talk to you later.
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 one day i meet with my friend , ayu 
long time no see her ..
ayu : hi tiani !
tiani : hi ayu... how are you ?
ayu : fine and what about you ?
tiani : i'm fine ayu. long time no see yu i miss you so much
atu: mee too. but i must go now i want buy something at market 
tiani : oke see you letter yu !
this is example for greeting in our life ...
what is greeting ?
Greeting is something that you say or do when you meet someone.

When you see someone you know, you can greet him/her by saying, “Hi, How are you ?”, or more formally by saying, “Hello, How are you ?”. You usually answer by saying “Fine, thanks. And you ?”. You know asking, “How are you ?” is just a greeting. And do not answer this question by talking about your health or any problems you misght have, unless you are talking to a good friend.

How do you greet other People :
>Good Morning/afternoon/evening/night
*Hello tiani
>How are you ?
>How’s everything with you ?
>How’s life ?
>How are you getting along ?
>How are you doing ?
*Fine, thanks.
*Pretty good, thanks
*I’m well, thanks
*Not bad, thanks. And you ?
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if you want to invite someone to come to your event you must learn about it from this guys.. check it out
Invitation is request spoken or write to participate or be present or take part in program or to do something.

How To Invite Someone :
>I would like to invite you to come to my birthday party
>Would you come with me
>If you're not busy, please come to my house this afternoon
>Let's go to the school
>etc ..

How To Accepting An Invitation:
>Great! Let's do it.
>Thank you. I'd like to.
>That's a good idea
>That would be very nice
>Thank you for the invitation
>I'd be glad to

How To Declining An Invitation :
>Sorry, I can't. I have other plans.
>Thank you for your invitation, but I don't think I can make it
>Thank you for inviting us, but we have a little business to do.
>That's very kind of you, but unfortunantely I will have to miss it.
>We're very sorry. We've already had an appointment that time.
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pernah melihat orang gak pake benda ginian ? yup ini tuh namanya TOA .. guys tau gak sih kalo toa biasanya dipake buat memperbesar suara kita kalo lagi memberikan pengarahan? ngomong-ngomong soal pengarahan nih kita lagi ngebahas tentang yang namanya GIVING INSTRUCTION :). pada tau gak sih apaan tuh GIVING INSTRUCTION ? naa ayo deh kita bahas sama-sama disini !

what is giving instruction ?
lets check it out guys !

i will explain about that :
Giving instruction is an expression that is used in order that order that other person does what we instruct or request, or giving imperative to other people for to do or not to do something, Giving instruction sometimes called comperative/prohibition.

* jadi bisa dibilang kalo giving instruction itu sendiri adalah cara kita ngeekspresi'in sebuah permintaan nhah bagi sebagian orang bisa dibilang ngasih perintah buat orang lain deh.

The tense used in giving instruction is “SIMPLE PRESENT”
1. We use verb as commanding word in the form of infinitive without to :
Ø Sit down.
Ø Sweep the floor.
Ø Clean the whiteboard.

2. We use Be + Adjective or noun or adverb :
· Be careful!
· Be quite!
· Be on time1

3. We use the word Don’t + infinitive verb :
ü Don’t climb!
ü Don’t do it!
ü Don’t let them in…
To make the instruction be politer, we can used please that put in front of sentences or back.
~ Please, wake up. / Wake up, please.
~ Please, be quite. / Be quite, please.
~ Please, do your homework. / Do your homework. Please.

nah udah paham kan soal GIVING INSTRUCTION ? bagi yang kepengen ngasih INSTRUCTION ke orang lain harus memperhatikan hal-hal berkut yaa ...

yang pertama : kudu sopan ( walaupun orang yang kjita ber perintah itu muda dari kita apalagi yang diatas kita HARUS )
yang kedua : sebisa mungkin nada memberi instruksinya harus yang halus biar enak didenger gitu

oke guys this is materi about giving instruction ... next materi
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Kamis, 11 November 2010

ini blog pertama ku

heheheh ini adalah blog pertamaku aku juga bingung mau buat apa diblog ini yang pasti aku buiat blog untuk kepentingan sekolah yaitu memposting hasil kerja ku dikelas 10 dalam pelajaran b.inggris.
aku berharap bisa mengutak atik blog ini sesukaku dengan gaya ku .. hhee
mohon dibantu yaa masih bingung Read More......